On professors
First I have Digital Logic, taught by an awesome lecturer who just has a BS from MTU but has also worked in industry. He's really cool, and we figure if any of our teachers would come play Texas Hold 'Em with us, it would be him. On top of this it should be both a usefull and easy class.
Next is Intro to Signal Processing, which will be my challenging class this semester. Basically it's equations for things like EQs, band-passes, filters, etc.
Then is Physics II. Boring. I'm planning on sleeping through this class most days, there will be little I need to learn. All the labs I've already done in high-school physics (we learned about staic electricity today).
In the afternoons I have Revisions (second-year english, aka rhetoric). It's taught by a Chinese grad-student, so I'm learning english from a foreigner. To be fair though, she probably knows more about english than me, since her degree is Teaching English as a Second Language. She's quite understandable, and as she said "if I can teach this class, you can all ace it".
For german I have language and culture. This isn't the participation-only class, but it should still be good. I'll have several essays and lots of work, but this way I can actually learn to understand and speak german.
For my Electrical Engineering lab, we got a tool kit. It's pretty cheap for the most part, but we get to keep it. Should be a fun lab, and all about how to use the lab equipment.
We'll see how ther rest of the week goes. Tomorrow a large group of us are going to watch Hitch, which has been on my "must watch" list for quite a while.
Enjoy your week!