Thursday, July 27, 2006

What's before 'work - slave - die'?

I'm pretty sure it's poor. People tell me that I should be thankful that I even have a job. Which I am. I still wish I actually worked, though.

Monday I worked 4 hours. I had to find a job of my own volition, because my supervisors failed to mention the clubhouse was closed for the day, although it made it a simple task to get some painting done.

Tuesday I worked 2 hours. Pretty usual stuff.

Yesterday I worked 2 hours. Once again I arrived at work at the time they asked me to come in, only to find that they had no idea what they wanted me to do. I ended up traveling out to a farm to get decorations for next week.

Today I worked 18 minutes. The work they wanted me to help do had already been done. I ended up helping to move a piano 30 ft and moved about 18 chairs 20 feet.

I may only need to work to provide myself with spending money, but it looks like I'm not going to have much. It's one thing to be frugal, but my monetary situation next year may require more drastic measures...


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