Wednesday, July 26, 2006

More on the topic of money...

So not only am I still not making that much money this summer (although it's still a bit more than last year), but tuition rates got a huge hike this year. 8.75%, which is 2% more than Ferris, the next highest state school in Michigan. Fortunately my family won't really be spending any more this year since Dan and I are living off campus next year.

Most of you know that I was never a fan of the Beatles, but that has changed. I recently acquired the entire Beatles discography and have begun listening to it. I definitely appreciate their work a lot more now, but I wouldn't quite call myself a fan yet. They're too hit and miss. "Revolution" - hit, "Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!" - miss. "Yesterday" - hit, "Yellow Submarine" - miss. "Helter Skelter" - hit, "Magical Mystery Tour" - miss. I think I can safely say I like their earlier work better and more often, probably because the combination of eastern mysticism/recreation drug use/Yoko Ono/social activism caused too many ridiculous songs.
They have a lot to say about money, though. You have to after releasing so many songs.

So I got retested for my alergies yesterday. Turns out I'm now very alergic to grass pollen. My reaction to grass was 20 times larger than my reaction to histamine (one of the chemicals that causes the reactions). This explains why I break out in hives when I mow the lawn (which I haven't done in 3 years for that exact reason). Now I get to (have to?) start allergy vaccines to reduce my reaction. I'd rather not have my grass allergies get worse. I'd much rather simply need to avoid grass clippings than grass altogether.

"Mo' money, mo' problems" or 'more problems, less money'?


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