Monday, February 27, 2006

It's the law

So with that last post, I decided to explain how I see the Laws of Sexual Dynamics, and where I may have borrowed the idea from.

First Law:
Nobody knows what they want, but everybody thinks they do.

Second Law:
If you think a girl is attracted to you, you are wrong. (QC, my new favorite webcomic. If you don't read it, I pity you.)

Third Law:
Men are attracted every woman they know. (Ladder Theory)

Fourth Law:
Women can be attracted to, friends with, or in love with a man, and never more than one at a time. (Ladder Theory)

Fifth Law:
If two friends have a phyical encounter, one of the two must make a move within exactly 48 hours or the two will never be more than friends. (Scrubs)

In other news, I'm off the crutches completely. My ankle's still pretty weak, but hopefully things will be strengthening up promptly. Even better, we got 15 free computer monitors today, so now I have a 21". I love when people get rid of working technology.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

What's the first law?

If you think a girl is attracted to you, you are wrong.
-Second law of Sexual Dynamics

The ankle's doing way better and I'm walking on it most of the time without crutches. Aside from that, nothing much interesting is happening. One more week, then spring break, so I'll be in town most of that period. I'll probably head down to Grand Rapids for a few days as well. Hopefully I'll see everyone then.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Gah! Update

It's been a week. Let's see what happened...

I've started physical therapy, and now my ankle's feeling a lot better. It's still a little swollen and I can't put much weight on it, but it's definitely an improvement. Hopefully things will keep getting better and I'll be back to normal in time for our fencing tournament with NMU, spring soccer, and everything else I want two legs for.

Apparently North Dakota is angry at Michigan because we broke the world record for most simultaneous snow angels. Apparently, once a world record is set, nobody is supposed to try and break it ever again. It's also "unfair" to use school children, because heaven forbid we expose children to snow angels! Read the article, it's quite funny.

Apparently my problem is that I need to be taller...

Sunday, February 12, 2006


So, the ankle's doing alright. I have a Monday appointment to figure out what's broken. I've got a really nice bruise at the two points where a tendon is supposed to anchor, so I'll bet you that's probably what's doing it. Classes were interesting this week, at least, the half of them I went to. The rest I just kept off my feet and enjoyed the Vicodin and doctor's note.

Then there was carnival, and Jill came to visit. Took it easy some more, watched season one of Scrubs and started on two. One more day and things get back to usual, I guess.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Looong day

Blech. Today was somewhat tiring. It was just fine until tonight, then things started to get a little stressfull. Being injured is a trial in patience and humility. You have no choice but to accept the generosity of others. I was dealing pretty well up until tonight, then people really started getting on my nerves. I don't think it was just me either, I'm pretty sure people just became more irritating regardless of how I was feeling. The Vicodin may or may not have something to do with it. Whatever, it's just a bit of stress. Wish I had something to releave it better.

Something interesting I found today is the My Beating Heart pillow. It's a heart-shaped pillow with a mircoprocessor which simulates the feel of a heartbeat. Hold it, and it provides a calming effect just like holding a loved one, or a purring kitten. It will actually slow your heart rate as well, pretty well removing any stresses or anxieties.

If only I had a $120 pillow right now...

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Things broken...

Well the last two days were exciting. We played two broomball games yesterday, and won one. It was against the worst team, but a win's a win.

Then today I was fencing and rolled my ankle. Really bad, too. I even felt a little cracking pop and couldn't put any weight on it anymore. I spent the next hour and a half laying down, then got some dinner and went to the ER. I didn't break anything, but my ankle was too swollen to tell exactly what happened. Now it looks like I have an orange in my ankle, and I have an air brace and crutches. Anyways, looks like I'll be taking it easy for a while.

Saturday, February 04, 2006


Winter Carnival has started up this week. My Church's broomball team won the community championship, not letting a single goal. My hall team hasn't been so lucky, but we've been playing better the more we work together. Solo's g/f and her sister have been up this weekend and we've watched several movies (Grosse Pointe Blank, Evolution). This next week, though, is all our other activities, and a 4 day weekend.

Not much else big. I've been working on my homemade guitar distortion pedal, and about a third done. Now I'm off to do some work, finish some stuff up.