Sunday, August 14, 2005

The Low End

I've been training myself recently for bass playing. Not just practicing, but hardening my body so I can rock with more stamina. This mostly consists of playing fast and heavy songs constantly. This not only makes me a better player, it's been increasing the calluses on my picking fingers. I'm enjoying it. My routine generally includes Tank!, Maxwell Murder, Monkey Wrench, Jenny Was a Friend of Mine, The Theme Fiasco, and any other songs I'm learning. I can't wait to get back to school and start practicing with Bandwidth. Me, Lackey, Sean, and Bejcek rocking with all the rest of our musical acquaintences.

I'm hoping to record with the Greybyrds sometime in the next year. We wanted to this year, but things didn't work out. I really want our full-band versions of Falling/Ascending, Lunita, Satan in a Highrise, and Nightengale on tape. It's going to be kinda lo-fi, but I think that's now our expectation. Speaking of lo-fi recordings, I'm going to get those TFNM recordings in releasable form and distribute them sometime this year. They'll be a year late, but I'd like to call it fashionably late.


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