Sunday, October 02, 2005


Ever read a novel or play for a class and not been able to follow all the crazy things the characters do and their hidden meanings to what they say? I'm reading a play like that right now, but I have an added problem: the novel is in German. It's hard enough reading a play about an insane asylum where the inmates all think they're physicists, it becomes harder when the play is in a foreign language you've mostly forgotten. It could be worse, since this is the only truly difficult class I have, but I still wish we had a more comprehensible play.

This weekend was pretty laxidaisical. We destroyed Gannon in football. We lost the haal cup in our Ultimate frisbee game, because the other team decided that if they didn't mean to commit a foul it wasn't a foul. I fenced both days and enjoyed it as always. I'm starting to prepare for the tournament in Midland this month. If any of you are in town the last weekend of the month I'd like to see you. Last night we played Halo for several hours, until we got shut down. Aparrently it's a tripping hazard to have a cable running ALONG THE WALL in the hall. This wasn't even accross the hall, this was off all the way to the side. You could only trip on it if you first fell over against the wall first.

Today was playing in church, more fencing, the picking up Kuhko from the airport. I just finished studying, and am planning on going to bed after Family Guy and American Dad.


Blogger Zardeenah said...

Wow, you'd have to be pretty darn talented to trip over the wall.

2:08 AM  

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