Friday, May 05, 2006

Random stuffage

So I'm pretty hopefull about a job as a community center daycamp counselor. So far it's the only place that I'm not sure is full for the summer. I also dropped a resume at Kelly temp services, so that's a possibility too. I've got a few other leads, so we'll see. In any case, money is good; you need money to spend it, and I hope to spend money next year.

And now some interesting quotes of the past day:

Girls are like finals because:
-You'd rather get an easy one.
-You get in trouble if you get caught cheating on one.
-If you are drunk when you do one, it takes a lot longer to finish.
-The less they have on them the better.
-If you have more than one at the same time, you have a problem.
-You have to put in a lot of effort for little reward.
-Nothing about them makes fucking sense.
-They just lie there and you have to do all the work.
-Good curves make for a better experience.

"Poor Faye, she's more conflicted than a furry at the petting zoo."


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