Thursday, November 10, 2005

Who hates Granholm?

So, Jennifer Granholm is a horrible Governor. She's done some good things. Some.

So she signed into law a bill that would make it illegal to rent or sell mature and adult-only rated games to minors. Sure that makes sense, it's just like preventing minors from renting R movies or buying porn. I'm not sure on the specifics, but I can agree with the concept. A group of game publishers sued (as is their right) to prevent the law from going into effect, saying the law's result would be to cause all M, AO, and possibly T-rated games to simply be pulled from store shelves because retailers would not want to risk the fines. So, they got an injunction (the law was supposed to go into effect December 1st) and they are suing governor Granholm, Michigan Atourney General Michael Cox, and Wayne County Prosecuting Attorney Kym Worthy claiming the law is unconstitutional.

Now Granholm and Cox want to be removed from the list of defendants. What the hell for? These are the people who championed the bill, signed it into law, and are prepared to enforce it. They just aren't ready to defend it in a court of law? Whats worse is that there is no official explanation as to their motion to withdraw.

I agree that minors shouldn't be able to buy M and AO games. Like I said, it's the same as R/NC-17 movies. But I can't agree with Granholm when she tries to pull this kind of crap. Just stand up and defend yourself. You're the governor, it's your JOB to either defend the law or change it.

If I were to get my way, Granholm would defend the law, the law goes into effect, then Granholm resigns, because she sucks.


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